15 Framed Hermes Scarf ideas For Your Home
Framing a new or vintage Hermes scarf is a popular decoration you’ll find in many apartments and houses. Hermès scarves are known for their vivid colors, intricate designs, and their handmade luxurious quality. When you frame a Hermes scarf, it can easily turn into the focal point of an entire room. I’ve compiled a list of 16 ideas on ways to display your framed Hermes scarf in your home.

Blue Framed Hermes Scarf in Dining room

Yellow Vintage Hermes Scarf framed in Dining Room

Vintage Framed sadddle Hermes Scarf over couch

Vibrant Framed Hermes Scarf over dresser

Several framed Hermes Scarves small size in a sitting room

Wall of Framed Hermes Scarves with leopard couch

Pink and Green Framed Hermes Scarves with a green couch

Neutral color Hermes scarf framed

Hermes silk scarf framed in bedroom

Hermes silk scarf framed above the couch

Framed Hermes Blue Scarf in Living Room

Neutral Colored Framed Hermes Scarf in Bedroom

Entire Wall of Framed Hermes Scarves

Closeup of a Hermes scarf Framed with light

Bright Pink vintage Hermes Scarf Framed over Dresser

Matching Hermes Scarves framed belt buckle pattern

Close up of a Framed Hermes Scarf

Recap of the best Framed Hermes Scarf ideas
When it comes to purchasing a Hermes scarf to be framed, you can buy one directly online from the Hermes website or you can purchase a vintage Hermes scarf. Personally, I love the idea of framing a Hermes scarf, it's a unique piece of art that you can hang on your wall. Personally, I have my Hermes scarf hanging in my bedroom between my windows! I’d love to hear your comments and thoughts about framing a Hermes scarf.
Sincerely Petite in Paris,