Our Love Story
Today, is Valentine's Day and what better day to share our love story than today?!
So here we go, this is Aaron Marz, not only is he the man behind the camera but my best friend. We met 9 years ago at a bar in college. Wow, college seems like a lifetime ago, it's crazy how much time has passed reflecting back, okay back to the story! Here I was just a college sophomore (21 keep in mind, I do not support underage drinking), heading to this bar I've never been too with a friend who told me to trust them. This bar let's call it, brothers was not the type of place I typically hung out at, but feeling optimistic I decided, what the hell I'll go! I remember every detail from the night, even down to exactly what I wore. (In case you're wondering I was wearing a BCBG halter-top with ruffles on the front, skinny jeans, and high heels of course) but once again let's get back to the story!
As I walked into this bar, I had no idea the following events would change my life forever. The mood of brothers was dark, low music, and even had pool tables for entertainment. A little hesitant, my friend turns to me and goes don't worry Diane, everyone here is super nice. I took a deep breath and walked through the doors. I was introduced to several people, after quickly saying hi to what I thought was everyone, I breathed a sigh of relief, and thought tonight might not be so bad after all. That's when I saw him approaching our group. My immediate thought was who is this guy, I have to meet him! As faith would have it, he was with our group and was just getting a drink at the bar. He quickly introduced himself as Aaron.
We had an instant connecting. The rest of the night passed as a blur we laughed, we talked, ultimately we were lost in our own little world. (Much how it is today!) But sadly, that's where our night ended, we said our goodbyes, exchanged numbers, said we'd stay in touch and hang out again. Fast-forward 6 months later, I'm taking summer classes, and low and behold Aaron walks into my corporate finance class. Without hesitation, he takes the seat next to me, and just like at the bar we picked up right where we left off.
No doubt about it, the instant connection we had at the bar was still there. As finance class continued, we became better and better friends, hanging out almost every day. Summer class was coming to end an end, and on our last day of class, Aaron finally asked me on a date. And I guess as the phrase goes, the rest was history.
Fast-forward 8 years, we've lived in Kansas, Boston and today, we both live in Paris France. I can't imagine living in a more beautiful place than Paris. I'm thankful for the friend that introduced us all those years ago! Life sometimes has a funny way of working out. I wish all of you a Happy Valentine's Day!
Diane & Aaron
**Huge thank you to Irma for capturing these beautiful photos! www.refashiongallery.com **
Wonderful and beautiful love story. You are fantastic.
Amazing pictures.
Now I know!
Awe. You don’t hear a story like this everyday. Such a captivating one. I wish you all the best!
Great story and amazing pictures! Cheers to the couple !
Gorgeous story Diane. Thanks for sharing. Hope you’ve both had a fabulous Valentines Day in Paris. Abbey xxx
What a story…, you are meant for each other ! xx Irma