How to Clean your Longchamp Bag
Longchamp bags are popular, I have several in my closest I wear all the time. In fact, did you know that over 1 Million of their iconic Le Pilage tote bags are sold each year? With that being said, it’s important to take care of your bag, and today I’m going to share with you how to clean your Longchamp bag at home.

How to Clean the Nylon on the Longchamp Bag

To clean the Nylon portion of your Longchamp bag you can simply use a Clorox wipe or a little bit of soap and water to clean the bag. If you have a lighter color Longchamp bag, you might need to scrub a bit to get off the stain, but rest assure the Clorox wipe does not remove the color. For a white color Longchamp bag you can also use a magic eraser, I’ve used that before and it seems to work great. Overall, I find that Nylon is easy to clean.
I recommend cleaning the Nylon on the outside of the Longchamp bag every couple months.
How to Clean the inside of the Longchamp Bag

The inside of the Longchamp bag is also made of Nylon so you would use a Clorox wipe or soap and water to clean the inside. What I love to do with the Longchamp Le Pilage bag when I’m cleaning it is turn it inside out that way I can get all the corners which accumulate dust, dirt and other stains.
I recommend cleaning the inside of the Longchamp bag every 2–3 months.
How to Clean the Leather on the Longchamp Bag

To clean the leather on the Longchamp bag you must first get leather cleaner. My favorite leather cleaners for luxury handbags include Cobblers choice and Bick 4 Leather conditioner. I’ve been using both these cleaners for years and find they don’t damage the leather handbags.
Apply a small amount of leather cleaner onto a cloth and then in a circular motion apply the cloth to the leather that needs to be cleaned. I use the same leather cleaner to clean my Louis Vuitton bag that I do for my Longchamp bag. I recommend cleaning the leather on the Longchamp bag every 6 months.
What if my Longchamp Bag gets a hole in the Nylon or damaged?

If your Longchamp bag gets a hole in the Nylon or damage don’t worry because Longchamp has a repair center. In my opinion, of the best perks of owning a Longchamp bag is that if you need to repair the bag you can contact Longchamp and they will repair the bag for you for free.
I had this happen to me a few months ago, when I got a small hole in the corner of my Longchamp tote bag and I was able to send my bag to them and within a month it was sent back to me in pristine condition. It felt like I received a new handbag.
Keep in mind there are several forms you have to fill out and pay for shipping & handling. With LongChamp bags being so popular this is an added incentive to purchase the handbag knowing that if something happen I have someone to contact.
Final Thoughts on How to Clean your Longchamp Bags
When you purchase an expensive handbag it’s important to clean it and take care of it. By taking care of your bag it will last longer, and it will help retain its value. With certain handbags it’s easy to clean it at home. In my opinion, the Longchamp bag is one of the easiest bags to clean at home. I’d love to hear in the comments, do you ever clean your handbags at home or do you take them somewhere to get treated?
Sincerely Petite in Paris,