5 Secrets to Buying a Luxury Bag on a Budget
It’s no secret that handbags can be expensive. I love purchasing luxury bags, and what I love even more is purchasing discounted luxury bags. Today, I’m unveiling 5 secrets to buying a luxury bag on a budget which include purchasing second hand, buying in Europe, being invited to a sample sale, going shopping at an outlet, trading in your hold bag, and using credit card points or department store perks to purchase a bag.

5 Secrets to Buying a Luxury Bag on a Budget

1. Purchase second hand
The easiest way to save money and purchase a luxury bag on a budget is by purchasing it second hand. There are several second hand online shops such as The Real Real and Fashionphile that offer luxury bags at a steep discount. I’ve seen them even list some luxury bags as cheap as 90% off retail! When purchasing a preloved luxury bag from a vintage shop, it’s important you ensure that they authentic the bag. I also recommend checking your local Facebook groups, I’ve seen several luxury bags available for steep discounts in my NYC Facebook group.

2. Buy in Europe
Another way to save money when buying a luxury bag is buying in Europe. I’ve written countless articles about how Louis Vuitton is cheaper in Paris, how Dior is cheaper in Paris, and how luxury brands in general are cheaper in Europe. This may sound counterintuitive to book a trip to Europe just to get a luxury bag, but the math doesn’t lie. You can purchase a Hermes bag for 15% – 30% less by buying it in Europe. Utilizing this secret makes the most sense if you are already traveling to Europe.

3. Go to Sample Sales / Outlets
One way to save money when purchasing a designer bag is buying it from an outlet store or going to a sample sale. In Paris, there is an outlet mall that is about 45 minutes away from the city center that is home to tons of designer brands such as Celine, Gucci, Chloe and more. These brands carry previous models, seasonal colors, all for a steep discount. In the US, there are also several outlets that you can take advantage of.
4. Trade in / Sell your old bag
If you are looking to purchase a new luxury bag on a budget, then I suggest that you trade in or sell your old handbags to make way for the new one. I’m a big proponent of if you aren’t using the bag, and it’s collecting dust, might as well trade it in to get money for a new bag. I’ve even written an article about how many handbags is too many bags to have in your wardrobe. It’s okay to do a closet refresh and get rid of bags you aren’t using. Some vintage stores such as The Real Real gives you a higher credit amount if you trade in your bag and use the money to purchase a new bag directly on their site.
5. Credit card points or Department store credit card
Did you know that many credit cards and even department store credit cards, such as the Nordstrom card, run special promotions? Some of these department store promotions include, if you spend a certain amount, you get a credit for next time you shop.
Many times, credit cards run promotions where if you convert your points to this brand or this department store, you are able to receive an additional 25% bonus. You can then turn around and use these points to purchase a luxury bag. Using credit card points is another way to buy a luxury bag on a budget!

Final Thoughts on buying a Luxury Bag on a Budget
Overall, if you want to purchase a luxury bag, but you are on a budget, it’s definitely possible. Don’t let the initial high price tag scare you away. There are several creative ways you can purchase that bag and save money while doing so. I’d love to hear in the comments, do you have any money saving tricks when purchasing a luxury bag?
Sincerely Petite in Paris,