Is Cartier Cheaper in Europe in 2023?

Today’s topic was inspired by an Instagram message I received which said, “I’m traveling to Paris and I was wondering, Is Cartier Cheaper in Europe.” It got me thinking, if one person has this question, then I’m sure many people are probably curious about the price difference is between Cartier in Europe vs Cartier in the USA.

Is Cartier Cheaper in Europe?
Diane wears a Cartier Love Ring on her index finger

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    History of Cartier

    Cartier Cheaper in Europe
    Cartier love ring & bracelet, Juste un Clou ring & bracelet
    © Cartier_community

    Before making any big purchase, I love exploring the history of the brand. The history of Cartier is very fascinating, so I wanted to share it with you. The year is 1847 and in the midst of the French Revolution watchmaker Louis Francois Cartier took over his teacher's workshop to produce luxurious and fashionable pieces of jewelry. His passion and attention to detail garnered the much deserved recognition he received. 

    Eventually, Cartier gained the recognition from noble kings and queens from around the world. This put Cartier on the map permanently. Today, Cartier is one of the most recognized brands worldwide and continues to push the envelope to create gorgeous, timeless pieces that will last a lifetime. Without further ado, let's go ahead and dive into the question you came here for today, is Cartier Cheaper in Paris?

    Is Cartier Cheaper in Europe?

    Is Cartier cheaper in Europe
    Cartier Love Bracelet · Is Cartier Cheaper in Europe? © ncl_style

    One of the most popular pieces that Cartier sells is the 16 MM Cartier Love bracelets. For this reason, I thought the price comparison between the Cartier Love Bracelet in Europe and the Love Bracelet in the USA would be the most interesting! Now it's time for some number crunching to find out the answer to the question: Is Cartier Cheaper in Paris / Europe or the USA? Drum roll please…..

    Table: Cartier Love Bracelet (16MM sizing) – Thick Cartier Love Bracelet

    PricePrice USD
    USA (April 2023)$6,900 + 612 Tax$7,512
    Europe 20216,550€ – 786€
    Tax Refund
    $6,042 (5764€)
    Europe Jan 20226,750€ – 810
    Tax Refund
    $6,227 (5940€)
    Europe June 20227,100€ – 852€
    Tax Refund
    $6,550 (6248€)
    Europe April 20237,450€ – 894€
    Tax Refund
    $7,245 (6,556€)
    Price Difference$267

    The short answer is Yes, Cartier is cheaper in Europe!! The Cartier Love Bracelet is cheaper in Europe by $267!! Meaning, if you travel to Paris and you buy the same Cartier bracelet you would buy in the USA you'll save $267!

    Cartier isn’t a brand I’d recommend booking a flight to Europe just for a Cartier bracelet. However, if you’re already traveling to Europe and you were thinking about buying one, then you will save $267 by purchasing it in Europe. 

    For those traveling to Europe to go shopping, one of my rules of the thumb is the following: if the brand is made in Europe, typically it is cheaper in Europe. On the flip side, if the brand is from the US, then it’s typically cheaper in the US. I would say this works for about 90% of brands! Shop Preloved Cartier Love Bracelets.

    Price Increase of the Cartier Love Bracelet in 2019 – 2023

    Should I buy a Cartier Bracelet in Europe
    Is Cartier Cheaper in Europe? Cartier and Other Bracelets Stacked © Cartier

    Cartier, like many other luxury brands, raises their price every year. Is it as dramatic as Chanel in 2020 by increasing their price 21%? No, definitely not, I would say on average Cartier price increase ranges between 3%-6% depending on the piece and the collection. 

    For this reason, I always encourage people if you are thinking about buying a Cartier Bracelet or Cartier piece, buy it now because the timeless pieces will always increase in Price or buy a vintage Cartier Bracelet. 

    Below is a table of the Cartier Love bracelet price increase from the last few years. It is important to note that Cartier has not yet increased their prices in Europe in 2023. If they do, this changes the game completely. It has not been confirmed yet if there will be an increase in Price in Europe, however, based on previous years, I believe it's highly likely.

    As of April 2023, The Thick Cartier Love Bracelet is $6,900. There has been no price increase since August 2021 in the US.

    YearPrice in the USA% increase
    2020$6,550+ 3.1%
    2021$6,900+ 5.3%
    2022$6,900No Change
    2023$6,900No Change

    Does Cartier Qualify for the Tax Refund in Europe?

    Cartier Price in Paris
    Cartier Love Bracelet and Chanel Bag

    You may be wondering if the Cartier Love Bracelet or Cartier jewelry qualifies for the tax refund in Europe? Yes, yes, Cartier does qualify for the tax refund in Europe, as long as you spend more than 100.01 Euros, which at Cartier is easy. In Paris, the tax refund on luxury jewelry is 12% off. The tax refund is one of the reasons Cartier is cheaper in Europe.  

    Is Cartier Cheaper to buy Secondhand? 

    Cartier Pricing in Europe
    Cartier Love ring and other dainty rings © Classic Cartier

    In my opinion, Cartier does a remarkable job of holding its value. In fact, many vintage websites sell Cartier bracelets for almost the same as retail price. With that being said, if you wait until a sale or some sort of special promotion on Fashionphile or the RealReal, then it’s definitely possible that you will be able to snag a high quality Cartier piece from a secondhand shop.

    I definitely think adding a Cartier piece to your jewelry collection is a great idea! Cartier jewelry is an investment piece that you can wear for years to come and pass down to future generations. In fact, I recently wrote an article about my thoughts on the Cartier Love ring you can read about here.

    Conclusion: Is Cartier Cheaper in Europe

    Cartier Pricing in Paris
    Cartier Diamond Love Bracelets and Ring · Is Cartier Cheaper in Europe

    I’d love to hear from you guys, are you surprised with the price difference of Cartier between the USA and France? Did you think Cartier was cheaper in Europe? To me the answer is shocking, my guess would have been Cartier would be significantly cheaper in Europe, especially because it is a Parisian brand.

    Here is my final thought for the day… could this be a new trend we are seeing? Are European brands trying to make pricing almost even worldwide? If so, I wonder how this would impact tourism, I know many people who book trips to Paris simply to go shopping because of the tax refund. As always, I love hearing from my readers. So let me know, what do you think about the Cartier Price in Europe?

    Sincerely Petite in Paris,

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    1. Unless you are traveling with many dependents, you are only allowed 800 dollars of goods to be imported duty free per individual, but can pool as a family. Anything over that is subject to duty, which is not a ton but not insignificant. I have pooled my purchases with my spouse, but that is still only $1600 and that is for all your purchases. Typically people make more than one purchase on their trip, so it is not difficult to go over that amount quickly. You do need to be honest in your declarations and sometimes they wave you through and sometimes they don’t.

      I have stopped buying jewelry in Europe and now buy it in the US (Honolulu has a very low sales tax, so it is a wash) as it is not worth it to me to stress on the way home about going through customs. Other things, I don’t mind so much.

    2. I’m going to be in Paris in Dec 2022. Thinking about buying a love bracelet there. But also concerned with the Ties and duties that you will have to pay when you re-enter the US.

      1. Diane Marz says:

        Hello Annie,

        Thank you for your message! When you come back to the US, you only have to declare purchases / pay duty tax that were over $10,000.

        Hope that helps answers some of your concern

        Kind Regards,

    3. Hi, great article, thanks for the info! A couple questions – first, is some of the savings shaved off by being taxed when declaring your items at customs? And also, when you mention that Cartier is $100 cheaper than tax-free states, do you mean that the retail prices on Cartier in those states are proportionately higher than in all other states? Thanks again!

      1. Diane Marz says:

        Hello Jerry,

        Thank you for your questions! Please see my answers below:

        1. When you declare your items at customs, you may have to pay a small tax, if you are declaring over $10,000.

        2. No the prices aren’t higher in those states, in that statement I was comparing the pricing to Europe. However, now with the US being stronger, and the Cartier price increases – I will update the article to reflect the new pricing.

        Hope that helps!

        Kind Regards,

        1. I was required to talk with customs over a leather handbag that was 2,700 euros. He did not assess me taxes bc I had told him it was a gift for me for a recent promotion. This was entering through IAD – DC. Now I am terrified to even buy things because the tax assessed is such a mystery.